ブランドの定番として毎シーズンラインナップされるFIELD JACKET。完成されたデザインがその理由ではあるが、そこにはどんな想いやストーリーが隠されているのか……。今回はそんなFIELD JACKETの魅力をデザイナーの野澤広志さんのインタビューから紐解いて行く。
Field Jacket is showcased every season as a signature item of ‘norbit’ because of its perfect design. I would like to interview Mr. Nozawa about his ideas and its background.
ーーーFIELD JACKETは毎シーズン人気ですね! このアイテムはブランドの立ち上げから?
Field Jacket is the hottest item in every season! Was this item line-upped from the beginning of your collection?
そうですね、2018年にブランドが本格的に始動して、翌年のファーストコレクション(2019 S/S)からこのアイテムをラインナップさせています。
Exactly! I launched ‘norbit’ earnestly in 2018, and line-upped this item from S/S 2019 collection.
I have already used ‘norbit’ this name for my own brand before, however, ‘norbit’ is just men’s casual brand at that time, there is no outdoor flavor inside of it, obviously Field Jacket either.
Certainly, my design source has not changed from my back; outdoor, trad and military. So, it may have a possibility of design holdover from previous ‘norbit’, but my thought has been completely changed.
Please let me know what kind of difference.
Current ‘norbit’ is … how do I say... I focus on professional specifications more.
In 90’s to 2000’s some people described fashion brand as “superficial”. To react against it, I decided to create more profound productions. Since then, I relearned outdoor fashion while producing other brands. Finally, from A/W 2018 I launched brand-new ‘norbit’ as compilation of my artwork; not only as a fashion brand, but also for leisure, no other than “field” stage. In my opinion garments are one of my “tools”, not just for dressing-up.

ーーー〇〇用の服と言うのはFIELD JACKETにも当てはまりますか?
Field Jacket is your “tool”, too?
そうですね、このFIELD JACKETも先程言った考えを元に作っています。
50年代前後によく見られたフィッシングジャケットとか、80年代以降の新しいアウトドアではなく古い時代のハンティングジャケットをベースに、ミリタリーの要素とギミック的には現代の素材なんかを違和感なく混ぜ合わせたアップデートしたのがこのジャケット。そういう意味で、FIELD JACKETは今のnorbitを端的に表していると思います。
Definitely. This item was created based on above concept.
I adapted some good-old designs; fishing jacket in 50’s, traditional hunting jacket, also added military elements. For material I used modern techniques. Field Jacket represents hybridity of current ‘norbit’.
Do you have any experiences of hunting or fishing?
I have never gone on a hunt as expected. I like fishing, though. During COVID-19 crisis I rarely have a chance to go, but I went to mountain streams for trout fishing well with my son before. These experiences are fully utilized in the details. Velcro patch on the chest is instead of mouton to dry fishing flies. Rod holder and game pocket on the back are also taken-over classic details. Game pocket fulfills “hands-free” which is another concept of ‘norbit’ to expand user’s field of activities.

Drain hole under the pocket. Fishing Jacket’s detail is here, also!
Fully open back pocket is incredible!
Game pocket which captures animals when hunting has been existence before. It is easy to get dirty with fur and blood, so open style is good for maintenance. However, most of them are open inside, fully open to outside is rare. I figure that back open style is useful for both outdoor scene and daily use.

There are pullers on zipper at back pocket. You can find usability details everywhere in this jacket!
That is the good news for hands-free person increasing recently.
Yes! What the most important point is to look good in any scenes naturally, because there is no border between field and urban style now. It becomes general style especially amongst men’s fashion, it means many people moved away from urban casual specialty style, particularly in deeply penetrated outdoor fashion countries.
Do you have any other point to appeal?
I had button loose experiences during activities, so I adopted change-button style which is a way to fasten button with ring from back side. Originally this was a style for vintage work and military wear. To prevent being damaged they were all detachable at that time.
The material itself is unique, also. I used mild raised nylon fabric with salt shrinking process. Texture is crispy like paper. Users can enjoy it, I think.

Change-button which was created from Nozawa-san’s experience is practical and novel.
So attractive! Any functional peculiarity?
It was shrunk 30% from original fabric. It has effects on great durability and shape stability which is good to keep three-dimensional shape even if pockets are empty. If you wear it over the years, texture will change more softly. This is real pleasure of Field Jacket.

Retainable three-dimensional shape without containing stuff. It seems usual, but none but Nozawa-san who has extensive knowledge of both classical and modern can design it.
This has been continuous item for a long time. Did you update anything?
Basically, no changed. I have updated only some small points. For example, specification of cuffs. Some users advised me that spindle codes around cuffs are a little difficult to release after tightened them. I improved it and added code stoppers furthermore.
Apart from that, I fix its pattern according to the latest style. Ideal process for me is… wearing out during the season, considering a problem, and improving it. Showcasing brand new line-up for every season like usual casual brands is not my style. I rather believe this is a very essence of craftsmanship. This is my concept, this is ‘norbit’.
Do you have any images for the future update?
Supposing it leaves something to be desired, I would like to recover collar part. No-collar style looks too simple as a heavy outer. It may need more variation…add hood or something like that. Further durability for rough weather is the range of my idea. If categorized, Field Jacket is a shirt-jacket with backpack. To enhance the versatility is one of my themes.

インタビュー当日に持参して頂いた野澤さんが実際に使っているデザイン用のスケッチ。ココにもしかしたらFIELD JACKETの進化の形が描かれているかも!?
Nozawa-san showed us his sketch book. Try to find evolutional Field Jacket on it??
In 1999 he launched ‘norbit' as his private brand. After that he worked for a lot of famous brands’ designs and suspended ‘norbit' for few years. In 2018 he restarted brand-new ‘norbit' as his compilation.